
The Marriage plan – A checklist - Before and After

Marriage is a legal bonding or contract between two individual. It is an institution to be built on a solid foundation called love. This would include stability, a life time commitment, parenthood, responsibilities, knowledge on religious, spirituality, strong emotions and trust. A formalized wedding ceremony may also be called as matrimony. By getting married, you are not just getting a wife; you are getting your whole world (wink to Shuhandy). Till the rest of the life, your wife will be your partner, your companion and your best friend. She will share your moments, be it ups or down, your successes and your failures. She will be by your side. In short, you will be her whole world.

It is also a moral safeguard as well as a social building block. Through marriage, families are established and the family is considered to be the fundamental unit of the society. In Islam, marriage is the only valid or halal way to indulge in intimacy between a man and woman. So before I sail myself into this marriage life, I need more research and planning and checklist.

The Marriage checklist – Before and after

- Marriage course: Check out the scheduled at Kasih Sejati

- Cooking Course: This is especially required as I have barely sufficient skills on cooking. I need to learn to cook for the family.

- Religious Classes: Its time to brush up again on the religious classes.

- Weight Management courses: This is critical for both me and Andy as we are an overweight couple. Looking in Yoga classes and Gym

- Parenthood courses – Both of us need to be equipped with skills on how to be a parent

- Planning on having a baby : This would include checking if we are ready for the additional member in the family and the financial stability

- Apply for a flat: Check out the details at HDB

- Check Financial status

- Plan out a financial budget for the family

- Getting to know the in-laws

- Getting to know families and friends


P.S: My list will definitely gets longer….

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