
Gurame Indonesian Restaurant

It was a breezy lunch date with Francis and my Cat buddy, Kitty. For it was supposedly meant as a lunch date between me and Francis. So when Kitty asked me if she could join us, of course i was elated to have an extra company. If not, i guess it will be just too romantic! hahahaha....

Gurame Indonesian Restaurant faces the sea front and offers authentic Indonesian fare in a relaxing setting. This is a perfect restaurant for family outings and romantic dinner dates. The restaurant offers reasonably priced menu and with a variety of dishes such as Gulai Kepala Ikan, Tahu Kipas, Udang Gala Sambal.

A must-try is their famous fried Gurame Goreng - a special deep fried fish that is so iconic and popular that the restaurant owners have decided to name the outlet Gurame. Another item not to be missed is the restaurant's aromatic chilli-sauce, served in traditional stone-ware, to enhance the authencity of your dining experience.

My favourite dish of the day has to be Tahu Telur which left me satiated through the day. It was awesome and heavenly. Thanks to Kitty and Francis for introducing me to the awe-inspiring and breathetaking view for lunch. It was impressive and i love it so much...

Operating Hours: 12:00pm to 3:00pm
Dinner: 6.00pm to 10pm

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