
How to treat a woman right? - A Woman perspective

Women are unpredictable. Men have always wondered what it is that they really want Men must learn how to treat their women right.

1. Women love surprises – This may be obvious but at times we forget what surprise really means. Of course if you knocked her hard on the head she would be surprised, but that is not the kind of surprise they need. Do not go to her and say, I will buy you a car next week, instead, just surprise her with it and the mysticism that surrounds it shall work magic. However small a gift is, it should come as a surprise. Forget routines and build anticipation. Let her be caught of guard with your niceness, not crude behavior.

2. Keep important dates in mind but don’t yap about it – It doesn’t help when you keep talking about her birthday, the anniversary of your wedding or engagement, but whatever happens, whether it rains or shines, remembers these dates. If you forget her birthday, she will never forgive you for that. She might not say it, but this single act of neglect might actually prove unfruitful.[I have not been wishing my Fiance and he has not been wishing me. :( ]

3. Listen, listen, and listen even more – Our women love talking, and when they don’t talk, they do cry and when they cry, we can’t handle their tears. Men have always been disarmed by two things: The sight of as great smile, and …tears. Don’t make her cry, instead listen to her. Do not pretend to be listening while you read the day’s paper or watch football. Just listen; just listen to her however much you do not agree with what she seems to be saying. Sometimes we forget to listen, and this is our major undoing. Listening will show her that you care for her. It’s more than saying it everyday, and every night.

4. Treat her with respect – Some men, most men in fact have never known how to respect their women. They need our respect, at least for the sacrifices they undergo for our sake. Do not raise a finger against your woman however aggrieved you maybe. Beating women, even a simple slap is a sign of emotional immaturity. You don’t benefit by slapping her, you don’t benefit by beating the hell out of her. She is an adult like you. Beating her is childish and can’t change and won’t change anything. So she cheated on you, fine. So you got her red handed with your best friend, fine. Do not make a scene. Sometimes ignoring her might work magic. Try it. Let her know that you are hurt. Make her see it, but whatever it is, respect her, respect her point of view, respect her freedom to do what she feels right, do not call her names or manhandle her, and last but not least, do not beat her however strong you may feel.

5. Be Faithful, loyal and honest - This includes being able to communicate with your woman about relationship issues and being mature enough to apologise when you know you are wrong. Many relationships fail because there is not enough communication. Men need to TALK to their partners and understand what their woman is like and what they value. As a man, learn not to take it as a criticism of yourself, when a woman wants to talk about something in the relationship that she is unhappy about. Pick a quiet and relaxed time when you can both talk about it calmly. It is better to try and communicate and aim to resolve problems than giving up on the relationship or running into the arms of another. You will often find that the problem you did not want to talk about with your former partner will simply resurface in another relationship if not resolved.

6. Make love to her, not sexual intercourse – What is the difference, you ask. Am not good at graphically describing intercourse but some men think sex should be about finding that hole and darting in and out for a few seconds and once they gain their release, turning the other side and snoring their lungs out. Think of her needs too, prepare her for it, and sometimes just hold her, and let her drift off to sleep in your arms. I know you want it everyday, I know you would be comfortable with sex in the morning, sex at lunchtime and sex at night, but remember she has her own needs, and the need that overrides everything else is the need to feel loved, the need to feel appreciated, the need to feel admired, the need to feel indispensable. If all you need on her body is the hole down there, make one in the wall, or on the mattress!

7. Make your union formal – I don’t just mean marrying her. You have been dating her for a week, for a month or for years. What is she to you? If she is your girlfriend, it has to be known to your friends and relatives, and that is how to introduce her. If she is your wife, she should be your wife both during the day and at night. Why? Because it is important that everybody that matters in your life knows your wife or girlfriend. Don’t introduce her as a friend, or worse still your workmate, or some customer, or simply, meet Alice, meet Sheila, or meet miss so and so. It hurts, for whatever your relationship status, it needs to be formalized.

8. Share the household chores – For goodness sake, who said that changing that nappy is her responsibility? Who said that cooking your breakfast is her role as your wife or girlfriend? You are wrong. If you are tired because of a long day at work, remember she also gets tired after a long day at work! She isn’t different for being a woman, she is still human and needs to be treated so. Our mothers used to balance several things at the same time, I used to think at times that mine was superhuman, but looking back, I blame my father for reading the newspaper and watching television while she took care of everything around the house. Men must share the little chores around the house. We owe it to our women; it doesn’t make us less male, does it?

9. Be compassionate and understanding -Women like men who are compassionate and understanding and someone who genuinely cares. A woman wants to be able to say in her mind, "Oh what a good man." A woman wants a man to tell her often how important she is to him and as well as showing her that in his actions! Flowers, a gift, a card, for no reason, or even just a phone call or leaving a loving message on her voice mail while she is at work!!! All a little extra touch that tell her she matters. It's also important for a man to be confident in himself and have dignity. And to be both very loving and confident (not clingy and needy) is very attractive.

10. When you are spending time with her, make sure she has your attention. Make sure you listen to her and talk to her. Just sitting beside her doesn't count as time together.

11. Understand that little things mean a lot! A love note, rose, sweet text message or things like this just to let her know you are thinking of her and care for her.

12. Be a good listener. Have respect for her thoughts and opinions. Recognize her intelligence and strong points. Even if you don't agree with her, find good points from both perspectives. It's paramount to her knowing she is seen as a total person. Never cut her down, even if you are kidding. Find something unique about her that no one has ever told her about.

13. Be a good communicator. Listen to her, hear her out, and give eye contact to let her know you are giving full attention. Be interested in her. However, you also need to open up and tell her your thoughts, opinions, and problems, but wait until she is done telling you her thoughts. Do not interrupt. Help give ideas about possible solutions to problems, but praise her if she finds something other than what you suggest.

14. Brag about her to your friends and to hers. This is especially important as relationships grow. She'll like knowing she is appreciated and that his friends know he is in love with you.

15. In general, it's best not to say another woman is beautiful to you (if the woman you are with is not the most beautiful woman to you then you are probably not in love). Be respectful towards your woman in how you treat other woman. Even if they are and were your friends before her. Any favors, gestures or flirting can be threatening. It does depend on what type of relationship you have though. Sometimes the bond is so strong that no matter what, you both know you love each other and neither one feels threatened by this type of thing.

16. Don't leave sexuality completely up to the woman if you're in a relationship together. If you feel like the time is right, gently let her know how you feel. And when a woman says she wants to spend quality time with you, don't assume she is thinking about the bedroom! Usually, she means spending time together one on one, whether you are in your pajamas watching a movie, or just going for a drive.

17. Tell her she is beautiful. Not hot. "Pretty" and "hot" have their place, but "beautiful" goes right to the heart. Sometimes she'll look hot or sexy, so tell her. Don't tell her too often that she is cute, she is after all a woman and not a child. Pay attention and know what part of her ego needs reinforcing.

18. If she gets annoyed or upset with something you did or did not do, apologize first. Explain later, if she asks for explanation. Speak gently and be sincere. Women are adept at reading sincerity. It's possible she will give up on the fight and forget about it.

19. Avoid being jealous of male friends, co-workers, and exes without good reason, because she talks to them about you all the time. They know she's taken.

20. Talk to your friends, co-workers, and family about how lovely she is, too. It will make her feel good, even if you think she won't know you said it. It's always best, anyway. (Women just know things. They're very intuitive.) Plus talking about her in such a nice way makes you want to see her as soon as possible, and only good things can come from that.

21. Always make sure you cherish her because in most cases she is going to be there when no one else is.

22. Remember, she's a woman, and her thoughts about what she wants can change day by day. Don't get mad at her for it. Love her for it, because, hey, she's a woman and you like that about her.

23. Romance her (COURTSHIP), Try to catch her attention. There needs to be some romance in the relationship. Maybe not every day, but court her. Take charge, women like to feel swept away. And don't expect certain things at the end of the night. However, 9 times out of ten, you play your cards right and she will initiate. If it is an anniversary of some sort, Men, listen up. Surprise her, especially if you don't surprise her with much. If you are with a highly respectable women, money or random gifts that cost to much are not the way to her heart. You will make a larger impression with a nice card and hand written words from your heart and a single rose, or small box of her favorite chocolates. And if you have a little money to put out, a simple necklace, or pretty earrings, can be found for $100 or less! It shows you put thought into your relationship and how much she means to you! Never ever ask a women if you should get her something for an occasion. Women love gifts, as long as they are thoughtful, it won't matter if you spent anything on it. Make a card, do something corny in your own charming little way. They will remember it forever!

24. So note, women are delicate, even the toughest of women long for romance. Think with your own mind and let your true affections show. Nothing speaks more than written words. If you are in a good relationship she will do the same in return. But be Men, and step into your role! Women want to feel wanted that you enjoy their company. Sneak up behind them and wrap your arms around them for an intimate hug. Kiss her neck. Show her you enjoy being close with her.

25. Hold her hand all the time- Hold her hand when you are walking in the public,or mall. Hold her hand, give her a hug or gently touch her face--these gestures will all make her feel protected and loved.

26. Don't go out of your way to get the last word just to win an argument. It will make you look uneducated and selfish. Gently explain yourself and then give her time to answer. Do not use profanity as you will lose an argument automatically.

27. Don't make and break plans without a very good explanation and an apology. Make sure you call and not text to make such changes.

28. A woman (actually people in general) can be very temperamental at times. Respect her wishes when she needs space to breathe. Do your best to listen to her and provide tender loving care.

29. If you love her and can't imagine your life without her then make the commitment. If she walked out the door tomorrow could you live your life without her in it? Its not about the sparkly ring, its about knowing you want to spend your life with them. She won't want to be your girlfriend forever. Most women want the stability of marriage, but do not make this assumption with all women- talk it out with her, and get her take. Know that she may feel pressured by society and other women to get married, and there is nothing you can do about this except tell her that you will love her either way, and that you will be happy just to have her in your life.

30. Tell her that she is surely her dad’s princess but for you she is the Queen

31. Don’t criticize (unless it is hurting you). Look for good.

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