
Burning that midnight oil...

The moment I saw that particular seat at Starbucks East Coast, there was a flashback of the heated argument. I saw an image of my brother trying to throw that wooden bench at someone. That was almost 2 years ago but it’s still fresh on my mind! Hahaha…

Its funny that all I can do now is to laugh about it. I guess the place itself serve both good (My surprise birthday party organized by Andy) and bad memories for me.

The other day ~ on a Tuesday night, we came with a different reason. We were burning the midnight oil studying for our upcoming mock test. The last minute studies and memorizing didn’t help me much as I could not remember a single thing! My eyes got so dry and sleepy and I wasn’t really in the mood to study that day ~ hehehehhe! Tiring!

My most favorite part was the calculation on property tax, stamp duty and Annual Value of a property! How interesting! No memorizing please on a restless night! Andy vented the stress with that numerous number of cigarette sticks! In and out of the store leaving me all by myself as I was surrounded by rich “Tai Tai” entertaining each other with non-stop malicious gossips. How I envy those CHANEL classic! Drools!

As expected, we FLUNKED the mock test when we compared it against the answer sheet! Hahahaha… so what does it mean now? More and more revision before the major examination! Shuhandy, please schedule the slots for revision for our dates!

      The Strawberry and Cream for the night...Satisfaction! I am truly satiated...

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