
Manchester United ~ The Champions Trophy Tour

Oh well, what else can i say!

It is just his luck and fortune that the Manchester United Champion Trophy Tour was held there in Bangkok. Of'course my man was feeling extremely high and over the event ~ at some point leaving his fiancee on her own! Boo!

He was so excited about everything. We had our own difficuly in understanding their language as my beloved man didnt want to miss the chance to view the 19th title trophy! Andy almost gave up on locating the venue which seems hopeless as we were there since 10am in the morning at the Siam BTS station. No sight of the trophy at all! There were ManU fans everywhere! We just couldnt figure out where will the event be held!

Like finally, after that determination and not giving up hopes ~ he managed to kiss his long awaited trophy.

The Central World Shopping Centre was packed to the rafters for a Singha-hosted event in which Rio met lucky prize winners and presented signed shirts.

Around 1,200 supporters had turned up five hours earlier to register for their chance to meet the Reds defender, who sported a ‘Stay On Your Feet’ T-shirt during the event.

Thai fans also got the chance to have their photo taken with the Barclays Premier League trophy on Saturday as it visited various locations around Bangkok, including:
– the Manchester United Restaurant & Bar

– the town hall (Sao Ching Cha)

– the train station (Hua Lam Pong)

– the Wat Saket and Loah Prasat monuments.

Wah someone ~ Shuhandy Tugi~  got featured in the Manchester united Website:

P.S: I do hope you have fun my dear...

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