
A bad ending..

Naturally after not meeting someone for a while,

All I wanted was to be welcome with sincerity, joy and affection..
I wanted to be in the centre of attraction, to be heard and to be touched..

For I have waited too long for the day,
To have someone by my side to share my sorrow
To have someone giving me the fullest support in everything I do..

Why don’t you ask me?
“Is everything okay?”
“How are you coping with everything?”
“Are you feeling better?”
“How is everything affecting you?”
“Do you want to take a break from work?”

Instead of:
“You are always thinking of taking the easy way out”

I just had to walk away when it seems that people are insensitive towards my feeling. There is nothing that I really want to say except that every tear drop is causing me intense pain leaving me weak and hurt…

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