
Faezah and Diyar's Wedding

It was one of the longest Malay weddings that I have ever attended. Nevertheless, I have enjoyed the company, the well planned and detailed wedding. I’m green in envy looking at Faezah and Diyar’s wedding dais. Such a gorgeous pelamin! It feels and looked so modern and definitely not those typical and common one. Hmmm, okay!

As she held my hands, she whispered that I can take lots of pictures and grab ideas from her wedding. Hehehehe…if only I can afford it and if only its agreeable to both family, I would just like to have one wedding reception – where I guess I will plan each and every detail for I love creativity. And the word here is if only…

Snapshot at the wedding - look at how big i have grown... :(

The wedding decor..

The outstanding and beautiful Dais..

Congratulation to Faezah and Diyar and thanks for the invites...

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