
A Mother's Love

For I have never seen Farah NurFaizah in my life. But the moment my eyes caught those pictures of the 10 year old girl struggling with her life – a battle of complications, I could almost feel the grievous and heartbreaking feeling of a mother. I could feel how painful and traumatic it is to be in Fazz’s shoes witnessing the critical moment of her own daughter. There was nothing much that I could do other than those constant prayers to God in a hope that he will take away the pain from the child.

Little did I realize that I was in tears – crying and praying to God to end her suffering. As an outsider, the feeling that I had for her was deep, how about the mother? It’s distressing to be continuously worrying about somebody that you love especially if it’s your own child. I would throw away everything I have for my own child just to make sure that she will be well. That’s the love from a mother.

A mother’s love is something where no one can explain and it is made of the deepest devotion for the child. She is willing to sacrifice her own life and voluntarily bearing the pain. Her love is endless and unselfish, enduring come what may. The love never fails or falters even though the heart is breaking..

Looking at her fighting for her own life, I began asking myself, “How much more are left for me to live?” The answer is among the 5 matters that only Allah (SWT) knows about:

1) Verily, with ALLAH alone is the knowledge of the hour
2) HE sends down the rain
3) HE knows what is in the womb
4) No soul knows what it will earn tomorrow
5) No soul knows in what land it will die

For ALLAH is All-knowing..

For death, is the complete end of physical life and the beginning of a period of rest of resurrection when ALLAH judges the living and the dead. When Judgment day arrives, everyone is judged according to their deeds in life.

For ALLAH is Great, and HE will reward those who bears with patience any calamity which he has tested. Undoubtedly the loss of a child is one of the greatest calamities for one whom it befalls. Whoever bears the patience and accept the will and decree of ALLAH will have a great reward by the grace and bounty of ALLAH.

If one suffers death of someone whom he dearly loved, then he should remember that our children, spouses, parents, friends, and other family members are but trusts from Allah (swt).. A child is a trust to his/her parents while the parents are a trust to the child. As these trusts provide us with comfort and support, Allah (swt) tests us to see how we deal with them and how we take care of these trusts. He reserves the right to take back these trusts, and He does so when the term He sets for a trust expires. The Prophet (p) consoled his daughter when her baby was sick as saying:

Whatever Allah takes away or gives, belongs to Him, and everything has a fixed term (in this world). (Bukhari and Muslim)

Therefore, one should not show despair or displeasure at Allah (swt) but remain calm and patient even at the death of his or her dearest one.

When a mother suffers the death of her child, there is no one in this world who can come close to feeling her grief and sorrow. And yet, this otherwise unknown Companion of the Prophet (p) remained patient with Allah as she correctly understood the philosophy of life and death.

The reward for such patience with Allah (swt) at the death of a beloved one is Paradise. Allah (swt) says in a hadith qudsi:

I have no reward other than paradise for a believing slave of mine who remains patient for My sake when I take away his beloved one from among the inhabitants of the world.[10] (Bukhari)

To Kak Fazz and family, my deepest heartfelt condolences on what had happened. May Allah bless her soul and place her in Paradise. Insya-Allah..

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