
Fizah’s and Hadi Wedding ~ A day we will always remember

Today we learnt a lesson.

Firstly: Andy must not allow me to keep any important wedding invitation or letters
Secondly: We learnt not to trust our guts feeling. If we are unaware or unsure of a wedding venue, then just forget about going.

I feel so embarrassed when I confidently told Andy some random address as I have misplaced Fizah’s wedding invitation. You may be asking so why we are still insists on going? We are obligated as it was Fizah who has so called “match-make” us. Hehehehe…without her, I don’t think I will even care about that guy call Shuhandy Tugi.

Without much question, Andy drove us to the location and yes indeed there was a wedding at the place I have requested him to drive us to. Unfortunately, it wasn’t her wedding venue and it was someone else’s. Boo! Yes! Andy took the chance to laugh whole heartedly at me ~ his “Selenge” Fiancee!

I feel so dumb and stupid for losing such an important document. Okay, no more important responsibility for me to hold the next time. Coincidentally, it’s our 20th month anniversary today! Happy 20th month boyfriend! We had fun today right dear? Love x 100

P.S: Idah..please don’t be so dumb next time….

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