
What is Love?

Love ~ You are nothing short of my everything

Even before we got engaged, we were told that engagement will be a testing period of your love. Little did I realize that it was too difficult for me to handle and deal with? Those extreme differences which made it hard to understand or solve, hard to please or satisfy, hard to persuade or induce. There were times where we had to fraught with hardship especially financial hardship and unfortunately, depression. I wasn’t prepared to face with all these adversity and distress. We weren’t ready for all these but we were being alerted before. We lay our promises that we will be strong and willed powered enough to go through all the hard times together.

There were mixed emotions of love, hatred, anger, unsatisfied, mood less and sometimes excitement. It was a mixed feeling. We find ourselves quarrelling over little things that we won’t even bother about in the past. Things like deciding on a location to dine, the choice of clothing, meeting up with friends, being isolated and handling personal love issues. Tough huh? Yes it is! His likes and my dislikes! Our clashed personalities. Our flaws and imperfections. Those surge of temptations of meeting new people, people who voiced out their interests in you and people who see red. Those decisions that we had to accept even when it breaks our heart; Those sacrifices on time which mean that lesser time for our regular meet up which indeed causes the heart to grow fonder. Those moments when you are really missing him and you need him desperately by your side. Those times when I was really thrown at the bottom of my life; and I had to deal with it all by myself as he was away. For all these are my testing period, to test the love that I have for him…

How do I know then that he is the one for me?

When he is able to accept my flaws and imperfection ~ my temper and my stubbornness. He has chosen to walk beside me to share my days and nights and my burden

He offers me an abundance of joy and miracles everyday ~ “We will work this out baby” to every ups and downs that we are going through.

He sacrifices his sleep and time to earn more money for our wedding ~ taking up two jobs to increase our savings

He uses his charm to delight and pacify me in any way possible by making me smile, making me laugh and making me giggle like a little girl.

He has the power to banish my loneliness and turn the ordinary into the sublime.

He seeks me where I have been hiding from him ~ his non-stop calls and messages every time we had a fight even when it is not his mistake.

He has created a haven for me within his safe and loving arms ~ when I needed him the most.

He appreciates me as his fiancée and wakes up each morning filled with gratitude that he has me.

His listening ear to my problems and encourages me to continue fighting and never to give up.

His willingness to accept his mistakes and learn to improve on them.

He realizes that nothing that happens between us will be insignificant and tries to strengthen our connection.

He is my doorway to heaven here on earth…

What else could I ask for from a man who truly appreciates me for who I am inside?
What else could I ask for from a man who shelter me with love and is working hard for our future?
What else could I ask from a man who is always trying hard to make me happy within his means?
What else could I ask from a man whom promises to take me as his future wife?

To know that I have all these in the man that I love, I wake up each day feeling blessed and love knowing that this loan from the Universe is what I have been looking for all my life…

P.S: Thanks to my Beloved FiancĂ© ~ Shuhandy Tugi for everything…

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